House Creek Elementary March Calendar
February House Creek Heroes
Graphic with CCISD logo. Job Fair. March 35 from 5-7 p.m. at the Copperas Cove Civic Center, 1206 West Avenue B. Instructional, professional & support staff positions available. Interviews available on-site. Learn more, eligivility criteria, FAQ's at www. Follow us on Facebook, Copperas Cove ISD
A group of people smiling with a certificate and a banner
Graphic with CCISD logo. 2025-26 School Calendar Approved. Trustees approved the 2025-26 academic calendar during its regular meeting on March 4th. More information at
The three winners and their teacher.
House Creek Elementary February Calendar
Trustees recognize Mrs. Valdez and ES2S for donations to the Food for Families event.
A group of students, teachers and board members in front of a backdrop
2 men smiling in front of a backdrop
January House Creek Heroes with a superhero bulldog
Graphic with CCISD logo and Texas School Counselor Association CREST logo. 4 campuses earn CREST Award
Graphic with CCISD logo. School Closed Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025.
A group of people around a table
Bulldawg head enclosed by interlocked hands. Golden Dawgs. Copperas Cove ISD. Includes CCISD logo below.
graphic with CCISD logo. Dr. Brent Hawkins, Lone Finalist for Superintendent of Schools. includes headshot of Dr. Brent Hawkins
Carolyn Jackson
Copperas Cove ISD Superior Rating.  Texas Education Agency Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas
2024 Copperas Cove Education Foundation  Grant Giveaways, and the white education foundation logo
Graphic with CCISD logo. Copperas Cove ISD Board of Trustees Regular Meeting October 8, 2024.