House Creek PTA

Whether you like to volunteer at our school often, occasionally, or not at all, your PTA membership is very important to House Creek Elementary. Your membership fee will be split between our school PTA, the Texas PTA, and the National PTA. We rely on your support for programs such as Holiday Movie Night and Dr. Seuss Night, as well as merchandise for the creek cash store, field day t-shirts, and popcorn for all students at the end of each six weeks. As a member, you will be eligible for the discounts offered by the Texas PTA.
Joining is easy! You can fill out one of the PTA envelopes found in the front office or at the PTA table during school events. The cost of your annual membership is $7. We will send a membership card and a spirit stick home with your student when we receive your membership request. Your card will provide the information you need to take advantage of the Texas PTA discounts. Memberships should be renewed each school year.
Contact Us
You can find us on Facebook @HouseCreekPTA
E-mail Us
Phone Number: (254) 518-3000