Parent & Family Engagement Policy

Members of the Parent Advisory Committee and the school have jointly developed this policy in accordance with Title I, Part A, Section 1118, and in compliance with legal requirements. 

  1. At the beginning of the academic school year, all parents will be invited to attend an annual Title I meeting hosted by the campus principal. State and local assessments, Title I requirements, and parent engagement will be discussed. 

  2. Every parent of a child attending House Creek Elementary will be invited and encouraged to attend workshops, trainings, informational presentations, and parent meetings throughout the school year. These meetings will be held at a variety of times to meet the needs of family schedules. 

  3. A Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) will be established and will meet several times a year to discuss the Title I Program and Parent Involvement issues. Annually, parents will be given the opportunity to review the Parent Engagement Policy, to view the results of the yearly parent survey, and to review and share input on the campus improvement plan. 

  4. Teachers will send report cards home every six weeks. Teachers will hold a minimum of one face-to-face parent conference year each year. Additional conferences will he held as needed or as requested by parents or teachers. 

  5. The campus will host parent involvement programs during the year, I.e., PTA, academic nights, family nights, student performances, parent trainings, etc. 

  6. In homes where the native language is not English, translated materials will be provided as often as possible or practical upon parent request. 

  7. Communications with parents will occur through notices, newsletters, the campus webpage, letters, phone calls, conferences, emails, marquee, Schoology, and home visits, as needed. 

  8. Staff professional development and parent trainings will emphasize communication skills and promote open lines of communication between home and school. 

  9. Transition activities will be coordinated with Mae Stevens Early Learning Academy and S.C. Lee Junior High School to help prepare students and their families for Kindergarten and Junior High experiences as they transition to and from House Creek Elementary. 

  10. A Parent Engagement Center area will be designated on campus where brochures and adult education opportunities, parenting information, and free educational resourced and materials will be made available to House Creek parents. 

  11. Conduct a parent led faculty meeting each year to offer training on the importance of parent involvement in the education process. Staff and parents will work collaboratively to increase and improve parent engagement on the campus. 

  12. Teachers shall use the conference form prepared and provided by the campus, collect signatures from all in attendance, provide copies to parents/guardians, and be prepared to submit completed forms to the administration upon request.